Friday, October 7, 2011

A Reading ofA Reading from Molière by Jean François de Troy

​A Reading of Molière by Jean François de Troy depicts a group of finely dressed aristocrats in an equally exquisitely decorated Rococo interior salon setting. An older gentleman sits in the center of the group reading to the others from a book which has been presumed to be Molière. Some of the characters seem to be interested in the reading. The woman dark green dress with gold embroidery for instance leans over toward the reader so as to read the words for herself. Not all the characters are as interested by the reading. A younger man with a white wig, dark suit and ruffled white sleeves leans on one of the chair backs. He is distracted from the lecture by the young woman who’s back is toward the viewer and wears a red shawl. Two other women are also uninterested in the reading, the woman in the vibrant blue cloak seated at the far right and the woman just above the reader. Both look directly to the audience.

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